About Us

Holistic legal education
At the Lahore School of Law (LSL), we have devised a holistic system of legal education. Equipped with modern tools of imparting legal education and training, and with the help of highly qualified and committed faculty, we hope to prepare professionals who can passionately utilize their legal acumen in the service of their communities.
We expect students joining our school to work hard to set the bar higher than before.
Instead of focusing on producing greater number of ‘position holders’ and ‘advocates’, our effort will be directed toward creating an environment which promotes critical lawyering. We want to give an educational experience that prepares lawyers who are useful citizens, capable of creating new opportunities for a better society.
Catalyst for change
In order to realise these goals, we hope to promote an educational environment which becomes a catalyst for change in our justice system as well as academic environment. This can be done by encouraging students and teachers to develop critical perspectives on our legal education, law and constitution, justice system, and politics.
Robust intellectual environment
A robust intellectual environment will drive this process. Toward this end, we intend to have greater interaction with civil society, legal professionals, public intellectuals, as well as state institutions. At LSL, we intend to regularly organize public debates on current legal and constitutional issues. Students and teachers will be encouraged to take up research and writing projects.
Promotion of legal scholarship and Law journal
A law journal will be one of the main features at LSL. By contributing to emerging constitutional-legal issues such as digital rights, data protection, and the right to privacy and other issues related to cyber and non-cyber space, we hope to turn LSL into a centre of excellence.
Support for democratic institutions
We are conscious of the fact that the law makers sitting in our elected institutions i.e. parliament, provincial assemblies and local bodies, do not have the kind of support which they need to serve the nation in a more effective manner. In order to fill the gap, we intend to set up a centre for research and drafting support for parliamentarians.
Clinical legal education
We are also cognizant of the importance of the practical dimension of legal education that engages students in real-life situations. It is for this purpose that we plan to establish a centre for clinical education to involve students in professional legal work while they will still be students. Another related activity will be frequent mooting training sessions and competitions under the guidance of experienced teachers and professionals. Such activities will include introducing students to not just Pakistan’s domestic legal issues but also issues of public and private international law.
Inclusive education
At LSL, our policies will be geared toward greater inclusion of those segments of society who have been left behind due to historical and social reasons. Therefore, we plan to set apart funds and resources for various minorities, women and the disabled.
In pursuit of the Quaid’s vision
By promoting progressive and critical education and training, we hope to produce a special category of lawyers — a category which is capable of ushering Pakistani society into an era that Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had envisaged in his presidential speech addressed to the constituent assembly on 11th August 1947.
Link to the speech Mr. Jinnah’s address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan (pakistani.org)