Visiting Faculty Members


Mr. Umer Akram Chaudhry completed LLB from Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) in 2008. He has more than decade’s experience in corporate law practice. Since completing his LLM studies from University of California at Berkley as a Fulbright Scholar in 2011, he has obtained license as an Attorney and Counsellor at Law of the State of New York (2014). He is also a registered foreign lawyer in Singapore.

Areas of his interest include environment, energy sector, arbitration and regulatory regimes. He is a researcher and author.

His publications include

  • Delos Guide to Arbitration Places: Pakistan Chapter, Delos Dispute Resolution

(May 2018) (co-authored)

  • Kishenganga Arbitration and Viability of International Arbitration in Resolving

State-to-State Disputes, Kluwer Arbitration Blog (July 2015) (co-authored)

  • GAR Investment Treaty Know-How: Pakistan Chapter, Global Arbitration Review

(Mar ’15) (co-authored)

  • Marking their Territory: Bharat Aluminum v Kaiser Aluminum Technical

Services, Kluwer Arbitration Blog (Sept 2012)

  • Jurisprudence of a Fledgling Federation: A Critical Analysis of Pakistan’s Judicial

View on Federalism, Cornell Law School Inter-University Graduate Student

Conference Papers (April 2011)

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